Cameroon Confirms First Corona-virus Positive Case

 Cameroon's Public Health Minister, Dr. Malachie Manaouda, has always expressed dissatisfaction with the negative way some Cameroonians have been reacting to the spread of the Coronavirus in the country.

There had been spread fears of positive cases in the country. However, preliminary tests done on those individuals returned negative results.

However, through a communiqué signed on March 6 by Cameron's Public health Minister, he has officially confirmed that there is indeed a positive Corona Virus (covid-19) in Cameroon.

He is a French national who arrived in the country on February 24, 2020, and has reportedly been isolated at the Central Hospital Yaounde. 

Strict hygienic measures to avoid a possible spread have always been advocated.

Cameroon Confirms First Corona-virus Positive Case: Updates

UPDATE 11:20am 06/03/2020: This news cannot be corroborated or factual from several sources. However, various precautionary measures should be taken to avoid any outbreak. This is a developing story.

UPDATE 12:06pm 06/03/2020: WHO Africa Officially confirms the information via a tweet

Cameroon Confirms First Corona-virus Positive Case

See Also 2nd Cameroonian Medical Doctor dies from Covid-19.

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